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Think of the classic brain vs heart imagery, logic and emotion can be seen as different aspects of ourselves. One is not better than the other, they both play an important role in our lives.

This is a complex topic with many sides to it, but I'll get more into it in future content. For now understand that logic creates rigidity and structure, where emotion inspires you to move outside of your comfort zone and to break free from the rigidity.

If left unchecked, your emotions lack reason and logic, which will result in your emotions sweeping you into a direction that might cause you and those around you harm. On the other side, if your logic is left unchecked, your rigid ways will control you. You will end up being stuck in your own self-created prison of structure and rigidity.

People who were wounded by following their emotions believe that logic is better, they believe that emotions cannot be trusted. The same applies to people who were wounded by following their logic, they end up believing that emotions are the better option between the two. This creates an imbalance, the key is to learn how to balance your logic and emotions so that they can work together.


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